Saturday, February 20, 2010

What I Think of Writing

I don’t remember a lot about freshman year but I remember that I did not do as well as I ought to have in English. The reason was because I did not write very good papers. Now I think I am an OK writer but it is very hard for me to start a paper but once I get started then I am OK. I also have a problem with using the words “then, now and when” way too much. The most frustrating thing about writing a paper is when you think you turned in a paper that you think should be put on the front page of the newspaper and when you get it back it is an epic fail. I think that this is due to the fact that you have been working on it so hard that it seems it should be amazing by the amount of time and effort you put into it. This is also a learning experience that everything that you write is not always an A+ work.
“Of course I get writer’s block. It’s terrible”
Christine McVies